Aging brings a great deal of change to your body. While most people are familiar with visible signs like wrinkles and greying hair, many overlook the impact aging has on the digestive system. Digestive problems can significantly affect an older adult’s quality of life, making it essential to prioritize gut health as you age.
No two people experience the exact same changes in their gut health. However, understanding how these changes occur and learning how to manage them can help seniors live the healthiest, happiest life possible.

How your gastrointestinal health changes as you age
As you age, your digestive system undergoes several changes that can lead to various digestive problems. The production of gastric, pancreatic, and other digestive secretions decreases, making digestion less efficient. Johns Hopkins experts note that poor dentition, or problems with your teeth, can also significantly impact how you digest food. Additionally, your gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in digestion, changes with age.
These changes can lead to several side effects and conditions, including:
- Constipation—Difficulty passing bowel movements, often due to slower movement of food through the intestines.
- GERD—Also known as acid reflux, where stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipe, causing discomfort and potential damage.
- Liver disease—Damage to the liver that prevents it from functioning properly, often exacerbated by poor diet or medication side effects.
- Colon cancer—Older adults are at a higher risk of developing colon cancer, so regular colonoscopies starting at age 50 are crucial for early detection.
How to improve your gut health
If you’re looking for ways to improve your gastrointestinal health, there is one key detail to remember: lead a healthy lifestyle. Just as your lifestyle impacts every other aspect of your overall health, it has serious implications for your gut health too. Make sure you are taking the steps to live a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis.
Keep hydrated
Liquids such as water and orange juice are key to helping your digestive tract move more smoothly. Remember, however, that drinks with too much caffeine or alcohol can actually dehydrate you. Limit these types of beverages and stick to water as your primary drink.
Eat the right amounts of the right foods
Have you heard of the phrase “eat the rainbow?” This refers to eating all the colorful varieties of the fruits and vegetable families. These nutritious foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are helpful for your digestion. Make sure each of your meals has a healthy serving of colorful fruits and vegetables.
It’s also important you make sure you’re not overeating. Doing so can lead to heartburn and indigestion. Stick to healthy portions of whole grains, lean protein, and fruits and vegetables for the best health results possible.

Don’t skip out on fiber and probiotics
High-fiber foods—such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts—“grease” your digestion so food moves through it with more ease. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber in your diet. If you think you might benefit from more, talk to your doctor about taking a supplement.
Similarly, probiotics are great for the good gut bacteria in your diet. In addition to assisting with healthy digestion, they are said to produce substances that fight viruses and infections. Foods like yogurt and granola bars are fantastic options to boost your probiotics, but as mentioned above, you can also speak to your doctor about taking a supplement.
Stay active
Physical activity also helps maintain a healthy weight, which is crucial for preventing digestive problems such as acid reflux and constipation. Aerobic exercise, in particular, improves circulation, and as a result, leads to improved digestion. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which has an impact on your gut health. Try incorporating more activities like walking, biking, swimming, and dancing into your daily schedule.
Take care of your teeth
This one may not be as intuitive to you, but your teeth health is another necessary factor to maintain for your gut health. You need to be able to chew your food into small enough pieces that can be easily absorbed by your body. To maintain your teeth health, brush, and floss twice a day and keep on top of your dental check-ups.
Your home care worker can help you maintain your digestive health
Maintaining a healthy diet is harder when you’re older. Cooking can be a tiring task. Physical limitations can make running to the grocery store an arduous experience. Thankfully, with the help of an at-home caregiver, you don’t have to worry about any of this.
At Home Care Powered by AUAF, our caregivers can assist with meal preparation, grocery shopping, and other activities of daily living that contribute to a healthy gut. They can also help you stay on top of your medication schedule and encourage you to engage in physical activity to support your overall health.
In addition to providing excellent care, we offer a competitive pay rate of $20 per hour for caregivers, including family members who wish to care for their elderly relatives. This support not only helps those in need but also allows family members to earn a living while providing essential care.
If you need help with the activities of daily living, give us a call at 773-274-9262. We would love to speak with you about our program.