How Home Care Powered by AUAF is Different

Elderly Caregiver Communication

There are many reasons why our services at Home Care Powered by AUAF are different. That begins with how we train and compensate our workers. We compensate our caregivers at a rate above the national average. Thus we make sure that we attract quality in-home caregivers and that we reward quality as well.

We Pay for Caregiver Training

From the beginning, we invest in our in-home caregivers. This means we pay for your training when you are to become one of our caregivers. That takes the pressure off of having to have people find and manage their own training.

We Understand the Importance of Family Caregivers

Because of our cooperation and our beginnings with CLESE, the Coalition on Limited English Speaking Elderly, we saw the importance of what family caregivers can do. Family caregivers provide the opportunity for underrepresented and minority elderly of our community to get greater access to programs that assist in aging.

Many underrepresented and immigrant elderly are unable to speak English or have taboos around being cared for by others outside their family. This meant they missed out on vital care and the ability to age at home with proper assistance. Thus with the introduction of programs that allowed adult children to become caregivers for their parents, the problem is being resolved. Because of it, the quality of life of many older people from immigrant and underrepresented communities increased.

Beyond that, this introduction of formal family caregivers has taken the strain off of many families. In some cases, adult children may have already been caring for their parents while still attempting to maintain other responsibilities. Being able to become formal caregivers for their family members allows them to refocus on care for their parents. And if they need assistance with home care services, they have the option for respite care. By formalizing the process, family home care has made it easier for many elderly of our community to receive the care they need, and for their adult children and family members to care for them.


There are many reasons that we have distinguished ourselves among those that provide home care. When it comes our workers, we go above and beyond to train and compensate properly. Therefore when it comes to those we care for, we are able to adequately provide quality caregivers. Furthermore, we find ways to serve parts of our underserved communities. We have done so from our start. And we continue to find ways to properly serve all parts of our communities.

For over 25 years our consistent approach at Home Care Powered by AUAF has proven itself. If you have any questions for us give us a call at 773.274.9262.

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Homecare Agency for Seniors – Home Care Powered by AUAF

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