Celebrating National Senior Citizens Day with Your Loved One

Celebrating National Senior Citizens Day with Your Loved One

If you have an elderly loved one in your life, you know just how special their presence is. Older adults enrich our lives with their worldly insight, their stories of the past, and most importantly, their love. While a visit or a phone call is a great way to show them how much they mean to you, use a special occasion to go above and beyond.

August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day in the United States—the perfect excuse to go the extra mile for your grandparent, parent, or other elder in your life. If you’re celebrating National Senior Citizens Day with your loved one, consider some of these great activities.

Celebrating National Senior Citizens Day with Your Loved One

Spend the day celebrating what they love

On this day centered on our senior citizens, there isn’t a better way to celebrate it than spending time doing what they love. If they have a hobby they partake in, such as knitting, sit down with them and learn. Perhaps they have a list of favorite movies the two of you could watch together. Whatever it is, the time spent together will be worth it.

It may also be special for your loved one to spend time reminiscing on days gone by. Many older adults love discussing fond memories, what their childhood was like, and what they’ve achieved throughout life. Then, when they are no longer with us, these are stories you’ll be able to take with you and pass on to your loved ones.

Offer to help with chores or errands

You may have noticed that it isn’t quite as easy for your elderly loved one to run to the store or vacuum the living room. So, this holiday, offer to take a few chores off your loved one’s plate. Ask if they’d like you to do the grocery shopping, the laundry, or another task that is less than desirable so they can relax for the day.

It’s possible your elderly loved one may feel resistant to letting you take over any chores. If that is the case, and you have the financial capability, you might consider paying for a cleaning service to come in for just one day. Having the help of a professional will make a world of difference.

Celebrate your elderly loved one

Volunteer at a senior living facility

If you don’t live nearby the seniors in your life, you can still make an impact on your local community. Volunteer for the day at a nearby nursing home or assisted senior living facility. These organizations are always on the hunt for volunteers, but you’ll not only be benefiting the people who work there. Many seniors aren’t visited by their own family members as much as they’d like and will enjoy your company greatly.

Does your loved one need help at home?

As your elderly loved one ages, certain activities of daily living might pose quite a challenge. Don’t let them struggle in their homes. Instead, look into hiring the help of an at-home caregiver. These professionals offer seniors the non-medical support they deserve so they can continue aging with independence and dignity in the space they call home.

Home Care Powered by AUAF has supported seniors in the Chicago area for 30 years, and we would be happy to support your loved one too. For more information on our services, give us a call at 773-274-9262.

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