One thing that elderly care advocates know better than most is that falls are a major problem for seniors. Younger people may not realize the frequency and severity of the problem, but every year 3 million seniors are treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to a fall, and over 800,000 of those seniors are hospitalized. The most common injuries for hospitalized seniors are head injuries and fractured hips, both of which can have major long-term implications. Falls are responsible for $30 billion in healthcare costs annually. In order to fully understand how to prevent falls, a medical professional should be involved to review health conditions that make falls more likely. But there are many services an in-home caregiver can provide to help prevent falls as well.
Home Care Assistance: Organizing the Home
One of the most common ways a senior in home care can fall is by tripping over loose rugs, cords or other clutter. A home care aide can help organize the home, keeping rugs secured and cords and clutter out of the way.
In addition, there are many medical alert systems on the market, some of which include fall detection. A personal in-home caregiver can assist in setup and maintenance of these systems, some of which can be complicated.
Housekeeping In-Home Care Services Help Seniors Prevent Falls
A spill in the kitchen can turn into a fall risk, especially when a senior living at home independently tries to bend over to clean it up. Light housekeeping from an in-home caregiver can help mitigate this risk. In addition, trying to carry laundry baskets around with both hands can leave a senior unsteady and unable to use a cane or walker. Laundry services from a home care support agency are one important way to help keep seniors safe in their homes.
Personal Care Aides Help Prevent Falls In the Shower
The bathroom is one of the most common places for falls, and given the hard surfaces of the bathtub and tile floor, this increases the risk of broken bones. While a shower chair can provide enormous benefits for elderlies while showering, getting in and out of the shower is where many seniors struggle. A personal care aide can help with tasks such as bathing and dressing.
Medicines Can Be A Fall Risk. A Personal Caregiver Can Help
A medical professional should always be consulted before making any changes to medication, and it may be helpful to discuss your medications in relation to fall risk. For example, medicines to treat high blood pressure can cause blood pressure to drop quickly, leading to dizziness and unsteadiness. In addition, forgotten medicines may lead to dangerous circumstances. A dedicated in-home caregiver will review medications with seniors and can set up reminders to help prevent forgotten doses.
Eat Healthy to Avoid Falls
Deficiencies in Vitamin D and Calcium can increase fall risk. A quality senior home care service is meal preparation and planning which can help maintain a balanced diet to keep those deficiencies in check. As with any big changes to a diet, consulting a medical professional first is vital, and a home care aide will be there to help implement those changes. A healthy diet can also help provide energy to stay active, and staying active means more strength and better flexibility, two big keys to preventing falls.
There’s So Much More an In-Home Caregiver Can Provide
Fall risk in seniors who live at home has, as has been shown here, many factors, and this list is not exhaustive. Having regular vision screenings (which a trained home caregiver can provide assistance in scheduling and reminders). And the simple act of having someone in the home caring for seniors can help reduce risk. Home Care Powered by AUAF can provide all these elderly care services and more. Ready to find out more? Contact us at 773-274-9262 or contact us for more information.